WoFun's main mission is to attract more history enthusiasts to the wargaming hobby. We believe we can achieve this goal by offering ready-to-play and historically accurate Plexiglass miniatures. The WoFun figurines come ready-printed in full color, and all you have to do is simply press them from their plexiglass sprue and slot them into their bases. No paints, no glue – all the hard work has already been done for you!
In line with this vision, we're excited about our collaboration with CCC Games. Together, we're creating ready-to-play packs for the "Mortem et Gloriam" Pacto Edition rulebook by Simon Hall. We see this partnership as a highly synergistic one, perfectly aligning with both teams goal of attracting more history enthusiasts to the wargaming hobby.
In anticipation of the release of the first four MeG sets made in collaboration with CCC Games, we want to dedicate this blog to offering a complete breakdown of the first pack: Thermopylae 480BCE, comprised of the Spartan and Persian armies.
Spartan Army
The pack contains 200 WoFun Minis, 30 bases, and 14 units: 10 TUGs (tactical unit groups) & 4 SUGs (skirmish unit groups).
Here are a few models of WoFun Minis used in the MeG Spartan pack:
Persian Army
The pack contains 191 WoFun figurines, 30 bases, and 13 unit groups: 10 TUGs (tactical unit groups) & 3 SUGs (skirmish unit groups).

Here are several WoFun Minis models used in the MeG Persian pack:

General Information about MeG
MeG is arguably the most comprehensive wargame for the Ancient period, offering a large variety through its list of 650+ armies. Since its commencement in 2016, its popularity has grown, being featured in popular competitions, and even having its own World Championships. According to a poll from 2019, the most liked aspects by wargamers about MeG are its speed of play and realistic feel.
The PACTO (compact) version of the series is perfect for introducing newcomers to wargaming, as a gift, or when travelling. The game lasts under 90 minutes and can be played on a 3’ x 2’ mat for 18mm scale or 4’x3’ for 28mm scale miniatures.
MeG’s tactical approach offers the point of view of the top generals, and the army as seen from their command perspective. To represent this, the armies are organized in UGs, or unit groups, with UGs being further split between TUGs (tactial unit groups), and SUGs (skirmish unit groups). Each UG is grouped under a senior officer, one level below the 2-4 generals explicitly represented on the tabletop.
In addition to the Thermopylae 480BCE, the other three sets released in collaboration with CCC Games are: Carrhae 53 BCE, Zama 202 BCE, and Gaugamela 331 BCE.
If you have questions about MeG Packs, don’t hesitate to contact us at contact@wofungames.com. On this occasion, we want to send our best regards and thank Simon Hall for his involvement and professional collaboration!
Best wishes,
The WoFun Team